Thanks for the quick reply . I apologize for not being clear . I do not 
have a specific web app or use case in my mind . I just wanted to know 
whether it can be used for large-scale projects (yes . I understand that 
now) . However i could not interpret some points of your reply . 
1. Database - is the DAL provided by  web2py is not fast enough ? (now that 
it also supports MongoDB ) . could you provide some sort of benchmarks ? if 
not DAL , should we switch to db-specific python API's provided by the DB 
(like pymysql etc) . 
2 .by default web2py handles 1k requests but can be modified to handle 2.5m 
requests . what part of web2py (what kind of optimisations ) should be 
modified to achieve this ? Also how do these     optimisations differ for 
the different scenarios you mentioned back there ? (many small requests , 
less requests but requesting a large chunk of data) .
3. I could not understand the meaning of reduce models . can you please 
elaborate on that   

On Sunday, September 2, 2012 12:14:52 AM UTC+5:30, Niphlod wrote:
> is the sky blue, really really blue ? those kind of questions really makes 
> me wonder. 
> What is "high volume of traffic" ? 1k concurrent requests ? 10GB/hour of 
> traffic ? many small requests? less requests but requesting a large chunk 
> of data? The data returned to the users will be the result of many tables 
> joined? questions like yours, to have back an answer given with a grain of 
> salt, is going to require a lot more details.
> Anyway: 
> 1. Database large: not a web2py problem, in fact, web2py is not a database 
> (:-P). Be sure your db engine (that is often the bottleneck in almost every 
> app) handles your traffic
> 2. have you tested your app with 10 users ? test it with 1000 and see if 
> you app is scalable. The way you code it makes it scalable, not the 
> framework. Again, web2py could handle 1k requests per minute, but if your 
> db is going to kneel down at 200 requests per minute, don't blame the 
> framework for being slow.
> 3. have you something (I mean, code) that runs faster on other frameworks 
> to have web2py to blame ?
> 4. Inspect your idea of app. If that's going to be an api with 1m 
> concurrent users, with no forms, no sessions, no auth, no model, probably 
> you'll find other frameworks faster than web2py. If it's going to require 
> all of those, or a generous subset, having your app in web2py saves you a 
> lot of time (and errors)
> General advices working with web2py: reduce models, use lazy tables 
> (available in the last release), use session.forget() wisely, and a lot of 
> bunch of advices you can find in the book. Want some proofs? Some users in 
> this list have huge sites working on web2py. From what I can recall howesc 
> has web2py handling a site servicing 2.5m requests per day.
> On Saturday, September 1, 2012 6:48:01 PM UTC+2, Webtechie wrote:
>> I would like to use web2py for a web application which has large 
>> databases (really large) , expects high volume of traffic . Are there any 
>> ways to make web2py apps run faster ? (like really faster ) , (looking for 
>> solutions apart from pooling more hardware and replacing Cpython wth pypy , 
>> running on a non-blocking server like tornado ) . How can i optimise web2py 
>> for my needs ? are web2py applications scalable ?


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