I see. So you propose auth.navbar  without auth.define_tables. Now I 
understand and this makes sense. Please open a ticket or send me a patch, 
whatever is easier. ;-)


On Saturday, 1 September 2012 11:51:40 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> Many requests don't require Auth at all (i.e., public part of website). 
> Yet generating the navbar still requires an Auth instance. Just for the 
> navbar, though, there's no reason to define all the db tables. Likewise, 
> even for parts of the site that require login, @auth.requires_login() does 
> not need the db tables (unless allow_basic_login is True), as it simply 
> checks for "auth" in the session. Only things like registration, login, 
> profile, @auth.requires_membership, and @auth.requires_permission really 
> need the db tables, and in many apps, only a small proportion of requests 
> use those functions. So doing:
> auth = Auth(db)
> without:
> auth.define_tables()
> can still be useful for many requests. Not a big savings, but about 5ms 
> without lazy tables and 1-2ms with lazy tables (much bigger savings with 
> migrations).
> Anthony
> On Saturday, September 1, 2012 8:24:51 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I agree. What I do not understand is why would anybody want to 
>> instantiate the auth object if the auth_* tables are not there. 
>>     auth = Auth(db)
>>     ... 
>>     auth.define_tables()
>> in my mind are like:
>>     begin creating authentication logic
>>     ....
>>     end creating authentication logic
>> If they are conditional both should be conditional.
>> in fact the default layout checks for the presence of auth, why should it 
>> check for the presence of db.auth_user? Anyway,as I said, I may be missing 
>> something.
>> On Friday, 31 August 2012 19:03:47 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>>> On Friday, August 31, 2012 3:11:20 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> what is the point of  auth = Auth(db) in your code without having an 
>>>> auth_user table? I must be missing something about what you are trying to 
>>>> do.
>>> First, just to have the auth navbar appear on every page, it shouldn't 
>>> be necessary to have any table definitions -- the navbar is constructed on 
>>> every request, but many requests will be for non-protected pages on the 
>>> public part of the website where auth isn't needed at all. Second, even for 
>>> requests that require login, the database generally isn't needed -- logged 
>>> in status is assessed by checking for the auth object in the session. The 
>>> database should only be needed for login, registration, checking 
>>> permissions, etc., but not simply for checking logged in status. So, on 
>>> most requests, you might save some cycles by skipping the table definitions 
>>> (admittedly, this is less of a savings with lazy tables, but still 
>>> something).
>>> Anthony


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