> yet you have a > > {{=auth.navbar()}} in the layout. >
Do you mean this line in layout.html? <div id="navbar">{{='auth' in globals() and auth.navbar() or ''}}</div> Does appadmin need it? Or is it there for us to use in our views? In case of the latter I could remove this line without running into problems. In my apps I never use web2py's views, I always make a copy of them and rename them, so instead of layout.html I have init_layout.html, from which I removed the entire Navbar section, to avoid issues like the one's reported above. > > You cannot have a navbar without defining tables. This would never have > worked and it should not work. > As far as I know it did work in a previous version of web2py, I always created my apps this way, i.e commenting out Auth until I needed it, mainly because I have a customized auth_user table. Then in a previous version I got an error that Auth was needed, I believe it had something tot do with signature. In that case importing Auth and uncommenting auth = Auth(db), solved the problem. This is the first time I create an app that results in the errors reported above. In my application wide navbar I have a link to a cms (in which I have a customized version of the auth_navbar) and the following text and link: {{if auth.is_logged_in():}} <p class="navbar-text pull-right" style="color: #FFFFFF;">Logged in as {{=auth.user.first_name}} {{=auth.user.last_name}} | <a href="{{=URL('default','user',args='logout')}}">Logout</a></p> {{else:}} <p class="navbar-text pull-right" style="color: #FFFFFF;">You're not logged in | <a href="{{=URL('default','user',args='login')}}">Login</a></p> {{pass}} +1 for Anthony's proposal. Kind regards, Annet. --