Massimo, about hot install applications, it's true just if you use
default routes, right?
Or there's some way to do that using custom routes?
Vinicius Assef
On 08/01/2012 02:23 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
I really have nothing to add but some history.
I was a Django programmer (although never a Django contributor) and I
have developed web sites for the United Nations in Django. I have taught
Django here at DePaul University. I started web2py as a teaching because
I found the learning curve with Django was too steep. Moreover when
web2py was created Django was not the same as today. It did not have the
template escaping on by default (web2py did), it had a bug in CSRF
protection (web2py's one always worked), did not have migration (still
does not but now there is third party solution), did not support
multiple database connections (there was as Django fork but it took long
time to be merged), did not support multiple projects (web2py always
did), did not support left joins and aggregates (web2py always did).
Django always supported less database engine than web2py (and some not
very well, for example web2py generates better SQL code for pagination
in Oracle). Django always had and still has a more polised and
customizable admin (equivalent to web2py's appadmin) and a better
interface for many-to-many relations.
They are philosophically differences:
Django preferes "explicit is better than implicit" so you have do define
lots of boilerplate
web2py says "do not repeat yourself" so you have lots of
default behavior (magic?) but documented and backward compatible.
Other communities have used various arguments to criticize some web2py's
design decisions. All design decisions have pros and cons. Some of
the criticism has legs and some has not. What is important is that those
decisions were not motivated by ignorance but by carefully considering
the alternatives. As a result of those design decision web2py is the
only framework that allows hot install and uninstall of apps without
restarting the web server (with any web server) and supports multiple
projects under one web2py instance without library conflicts.
I also want to stress that our community is very friendly. We have
always shown great respect for other people's work and we have tried to
learn from them. We have taken ideas from Django, TG, Flask, etc and we
proudly acknowledged it.
On Wednesday, 1 August 2012 11:55:32 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
If it's a Django-friendly crowd, it might also be helpful to be
prepared to handle the inevitable criticisms that will come. The big
issues that tend to arise are (a) global objects/lack of
imports/lack of explicitness/too much magic, (b) use of exec, and
(c) pure Python in views. The links below address these and other
a bit for response to criticism by Jacob Kaplan-Moss, creator of
criticism of pure Python in views)
And a little support from Zed Shaw regarding "magic":
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 11:46:48 AM UTC-4, Alec Taylor wrote:
Tonight I'm going to present my little social-network to a
I'm going to show them my code, some slides, the website, the
mobile apps and tell them when Django isn't as good as web2py.
Are there any particular features of web2py you would recommend
I highlight? - Also, are there any major drawbacks in Django
that web2py has that is easily advertisable?
(I have a slide or two on this, but I'm sure as longtime
users/developers of web2py you'd have more to pitch-in)
Thanks for all information,
Alec Taylor