If it's a Django-friendly crowd, it might also be helpful to be prepared to 
handle the inevitable criticisms that will come. The big issues that tend 
to arise are (a) global objects/lack of imports/lack of explicitness/too 
much magic, (b) use of exec, and (c) pure Python in views. The links below 
address these and other criticisms.

   a bit for response to criticism by Jacob Kaplan-Moss, creator of Django).
   - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/web2py/uIYf-dTjd88/P8yxUQwTZk4J
   - http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3767009
   criticism of pure Python in views)
And a little support from Zed Shaw regarding "magic": 


On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 11:46:48 AM UTC-4, Alec Taylor wrote:
> Tonight I'm going to present my little social-network to a user-group.
> I'm going to show them my code, some slides, the website, the mobile apps 
> and tell them when Django isn't as good as web2py.
> Are there any particular features of web2py you would recommend I 
> highlight? - Also, are there any major drawbacks in Django that web2py has 
> that is easily advertisable?
> (I have a slide or two on this, but I'm sure as longtime users/developers 
> of web2py you'd have more to pitch-in)
> Thanks for all information,
> Alec Taylor


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