The author of the post below says:
"These are 2 distinct clients. I opened an incognito session, confirmed 
that no cookie was sent in the headers, and the uwsgi log shows that it 
received the same HTTP_COOKIE."

This could very much be the problem. It would definitively cause the 
behavior you see.
I still do not understand what uwsgi is doing. Is it proxing cookies? And 
what does facebooks and iDevices have to do with this? 

I have a theory. the problems where from iDevices. Probably they are going 
over phone networks. Perhaps they have IPv6 addresses. Perhaps uWSGI gets 
confused by this or by some other weird parameter in the HTTP_HEADER coming 
from these devices. One symptom is that it assigns cliend_addr = "unknown" 
as we have seen before. It is possible that uWSGI by default caches cookies 
from the same client addr. I do not understand why it would do that but it 
could be. Perhaps uWSGI is as fast as it is because it skips some proper 
header parsing.


On Wednesday, 25 July 2012 07:23:46 UTC-5, Neil wrote:
> Could this be related?
> It's a little beyond me, but I notice that HTTP_REFERER is facebook in 
> both cases, and they are also using nginx+uwsgi.
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:07:26 PM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>> Perhaps a coincidence, but:
>> User 1 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPhone
>> User 2 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPad
>> Does FB do anything strange with links to external sites that could cause 
>> the request.client to be unknown? I've accessed my site through the FB link 
>> using my Android mobile, and no noticeable problems.
>> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:27:36 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>>> Incidentally, no problems importing urandom.
>>> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:10:53 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Issue #2
>>>>>>>>> =======
>>>>>>>>> There is a bug with may prevent urandom from working:
>>>>>>>>> http://community.webfaction.**com/questions/9333/**
>>>>>>>>> importerror-cannot-import-**name-urandom<>
>>>>>>>>> importing-wsgihandler-with-**django<>
>>>>>>>>> Can you check if you can import urandom on your version of python 
>>>>>>>>> on webfaction?


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