Could this be related?

It's a little beyond me, but I notice that HTTP_REFERER is facebook in both 
cases, and they are also using nginx+uwsgi.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:07:26 PM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
> Perhaps a coincidence, but:
> User 1 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPhone
> User 2 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPad
> Does FB do anything strange with links to external sites that could cause 
> the request.client to be unknown? I've accessed my site through the FB link 
> using my Android mobile, and no noticeable problems.
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:27:36 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>> Incidentally, no problems importing urandom.
>> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:10:53 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>>>>>>>> Issue #2
>>>>>>>> =======
>>>>>>>> There is a bug with may prevent urandom from working:
>>>>>>>> http://community.webfaction.**com/questions/9333/**
>>>>>>>> importerror-cannot-import-**name-urandom<>
>>>>>>>> importing-wsgihandler-with-**django<>
>>>>>>>> Can you check if you can import urandom on your version of python 
>>>>>>>> on webfaction?


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