2012/7/25 Amit <amit.khaw...@gmail.com>:
> Michele,
> I have gone through the X509_Auth class and its methods :
> login_form
> login_url
> get_user
> But not able to visualize how to use this class in my model/controller, I
> just write below what I understood, please confirm
> whether I understood correctly or not.
> My requirement is : I have one web service method add() in controller
> default.py , I just want to enable x509 authentication
> so for that purpose i will use simpatica to generate keys and certificates
> then in model class db.py I will use below code:
> """
>     Login using x509 cert from client.
>     from gluon.contrib.login_methods.x509_auth import X509Account
>     auth.settings.actions_disabled=['register','change_password',
>                                     'request_reset_password','profile']
>     auth.settings.login_form = X509Account()
>     """
> and then in add method I will put @auth.requires_login() annotation .
> My doubt:
> 1. how to configure certificate with Rocket and apache server?
> 2. how to make call of web service method with private keys from the client?
> 3. I din't find X509Account class instead of that I found X509Auth class, so
> is it the same, if yes then I need to create

1 rocket:
 python web2py.py  --ssl_certificate=<server pem encoded cert file>
--ssl_private_key=<server pem encoded key file> --ca-cert=<CA
certificate pem encoded file>
 apache see mod_ssl config:

You can use a single file pem encoded containing: server cert, server
key, CA cert.  Pass it to all the options.

2 What is the client?  With curl:
curl --cert <client pem encoded cert + key file>  ...

With python:
you can use pycurl or httplib
(http://docs.python.org/library/httplib.html) see their docs.

3 You did the right thing using X509_Auth.  The error in the comment
is corrected in trunk.
   The interesting part that you may want to override in a child class
is the get_user() method.  Look how certificate properties are mapped
to the auth.user record (the profile variable that).  You may override
those to fit your needs.


>  auth.settings.login_form = X509Auth() instance ?
> Thanks,
> Amit
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Michele Comitini
> <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ----
>> simpatica
>> - generate ca priv key + self signed certificate
>> - generate server priv keys +  certificates signed by the above ca
>> certificate
>> - generate client priv keys + certificates signed by the above ca
>> certificate
>> The client and server certificate are generated after compilation of a
>> form that requires the user to assign a password to protect the
>> private key.
>> The certificate + private keys are encoded in pkcs12 format
>> downloadable to a browser or to be unpacked with openssl or similar
>> tools after providing the above password.  Remeber that if you loose
>> the password you cannot open the pkcs12.  There is a recovery
>> mechanism in simpatica since the private keys are also encoded with a
>> randomly generated secret that is crypted with the ca private key.
>> It also send emails to email associated with the client informing that
>> a certificate is ready to download.
>> -----
>> Sample code
>>  Just look at gluon/contrib/login_methods/x509_auth.py. Look at the
>> docstring in the X509_Auth class and put that code in your model to
>> configure authentication with x509.
>> Use the @auth.requires_login() annotation as you would with any action
>> requiring authentication. It is explained in:
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/10?search=rest#Access-Control
>> mic
>> 2012/7/25 Amit <amit.khaw...@gmail.com>:
>> > sure Michele, let me go through the code,If i am not wrong simpatica is
>> > to
>> > generate the certificate file for the client and if you are having any
>> > sample code to use x509 in case of web service then please do share with
>> > me.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Amit
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Michele Comitini
>> > <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Amit
>> >> If you need advice with simpatica don't worry to ask.  I never had time
>> >> to
>> >> write some documentation so you have to look at the code and/or ask...
>> >>
>> >> mic
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Il giorno mercoledì 25 luglio 2012 05:14:52 UTC+2, Amit ha scritto:
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks Michele and Derek..nice post , i am looking exactly the same :)
>> >>>
>> >>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Michele Comitini
>> >>> <michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> This is very similar to what TSL accomplishes with x509 certificates.
>> >>>> There is a slight difference, the server does not own a public key
>> >>>> for each
>> >>>> client: it verifies that the  client owns an x509 certificate signed
>> >>>> by the
>> >>>> correct certification authority. So no need to store public keys.  in
>> >>>> any
>> >>>> case AFAIK in public/private key algorithms the private key always
>> >>>> allows
>> >>>> generation of the corresponding public key, not the contrary of
>> >>>> course.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> To accomplish what you need in the simplest way you have to:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - create a certification authority with self signed certificate
>> >>>> - create certificate for you webserver signed with the private key of
>> >>>> the certification authority above.
>> >>>> - configure your webserver to require a client certificate (with
>> >>>> rocket
>> >>>> look at --ca-cert option)
>> >>>> - In case you need to know some infos about the connecting client as
>> >>>> reported in its certificate you can use x509_auth.py to use x509
>> >>>> authentication and configure your REST action with
>> >>>> @auth.requires_login().
>> >>>> This will give you access to  information contained in the
>> >>>> certificate such
>> >>>> common name or serial id.  To customize you can extend the X509_Auth
>> >>>> class.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> To generate test certificates fast you can use simpatica as Derek
>> >>>> correctly suggests.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> mic
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Il giorno martedì 24 luglio 2012 10:33:48 UTC+2, Amit ha scritto:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Hi,
>> >>>>> I have to provide public/private key authentication for accessing
>> >>>>> web
>> >>>>> service (REST) from client in my web2py application.How to achieve
>> >>>>> it?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Scenario:
>> >>>>> 1.Each client will have unique private key which will be sent to the
>> >>>>> server alongwith request.
>> >>>>> 2. Server has to authenticate private key using public key(unique
>> >>>>> for
>> >>>>> each client) and then allow to access the web service method. For
>> >>>>> e.g.
>> >>>>> suppose one client say X has requested for web service "add()" so
>> >>>>> server has
>> >>>>> to first validate the public key with client's private key and if
>> >>>>> validation
>> >>>>> is successful then allow to access the web service "add()".
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Challenges:
>> >>>>> where to store public key of each client?we can't store it in the db
>> >>>>> because server can't access db before validation of web service
>> >>>>> method.So
>> >>>>> will it be store somewhere in PC(where server is running)?if yes
>> >>>>> then how
>> >>>>> and which format?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> NOTE: Here Server will be completely written in web2py and client is
>> >>>>> separate application running on the hardware device.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >> --
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
> --


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