Might want to try this...

from this post:

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 1:33:48 AM UTC-7, Amit wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to provide public/private key authentication for accessing web 
> service (REST) from client in my web2py application.How to achieve it?
> Scenario: 
> 1.Each client will have unique private key which will be sent to the 
> server alongwith request.
> 2. Server has to authenticate private key using public key(unique for each 
> client) and then allow to access the web service method. For e.g. suppose 
> one client say X has requested for web service "add()" so server has to 
> first validate the public key with client's private key and if validation 
> is successful then allow to access the web service "add()".
> Challenges:
> where to store public key of each client?we can't store it in the db 
> because server can't access db before validation of web service method.So 
> will it be store somewhere in PC(where server is running)?if yes then how 
> and which format? 
> NOTE: Here Server will be completely written in web2py and client is 
> separate application running on the hardware device.


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