ok so this is what I have for the view

     input_value = $("#input4").val();
     web2py_component('{{=URL("default", "ajaxTable3.load")}}' + '?count=' 
+ input_value, 'grid');
and this is the controller function

def ajaxTable3():
    query = (db.applicant.id > 0) & (db.applicant.id < request.vars.count')
    grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, searchable=False, csv=False)
    return grid

now if I replace request.vars.count with just a number, like say 60 the 
page works fine and it pulls the records, and no problem with the pagination
but with request.vars.count, when I click the pagination, I get this error 
<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> Cannot compare applicant.id < None

which I think is because of request.vars.count is not set when the 
pagination is clicked I guess? 


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