I see. I was responding to your request for filtering (e.g., showing only 
50 records). If you put the grid in a web2py component (e.g., via LOAD()), 
then the links should automatically get trapped. Is there a reason you 
don't want to use a component?


On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:09:52 PM UTC-4, dave wrote:
> the problem is whatever I do, clicking the pagination triggers a whole 
> page refresh, the links are not trapped, 
> This describes the problem
> Trapped Ajax links
> A
> Ajax links
> Normally a link is not trapped, and by clicking in a link inside a 
> component, the entire linked page is loaded. Sometimes you want the linked 
> page to be loaded inside the component. This can be achieved using the A
> helper:
> 1.
> {{=A('linked page',_href='http://example.com',cid=request.cid)}}
> If cid is specified, the linked page is loaded via Ajax. The cid is the id of 
> the html element where to place the loaded page content. In this case we 
> set it to request.cid, i.e. the id of the component that generates the 
> link. The linked page can be and usually is an internal URL generated using 
> the URL command.


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