I was also worried that running queries such as "is user in this group?", 
"how many events does this group have?" would be much less efficient with 
everyones data in one place.

But it's probably just a perception thing, as you say, and it sounds like 
the drawbacks outweigh the benefits... :\

So thanks for alleviating my concerns

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:57:46 AM UTC+10, pbreit wrote:
> On Monday, July 23, 2012 3:01:40 PM UTC-7, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
>> > Separate DBs sounds messy.
>> Some elaboration on that point.
> Everything that is simple to do on one DB becomes complicated to do on 
> multiple DBs. For example, I run a multi-tenant site that I constantly run 
> queries against all tenants. That would be a pain with separate DBs. Same 
> with migrations, backups, etc.
> And I don't see much actual benefit of splitting into multiple DBs. The 
> benefits I hear about seem mostly perceptual (data isolation, etc). 


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