I've got a simple architecture, there are groups, users and group-events.

• Users login with Facebook
• Users can search for a group or a group-event by name, location
and/or datetime
• Users can create groups
• Users can RSVP to group events if the group owner allows open RSVPs,
else the user must be a group member
• Group owners can manage members (e.g.: remove group membership from
certain members)
• Group owners can create group-events
• Events have a bunch of features, and thus could end up with a lot of
space on the db (e.g.: with streaming video)

I want a more distributed architecture, where each group is on its own
separate db, for the purposes of increased:
• Security
• Modularity
• Speed
• Concurrency
• Scalability
• Portability

And to show off the features of web2py =P

Could you please tell me how you would recommend creating a
multi-tenant system out of this, where each tenant holds one group?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

PS: I will be open-sourcing this entire system following August 2.


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