On Jun 24, 2012, at 1:38 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > > On Jun 24, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Alec Taylor wrote: >> >> To be as clear as possible, here is a gist containing all the files I >> changed (for a test-case) since creating this "simple new project": >> >> https://gist.github.com/61a6b9f8e71f706e4255 > > I installed that app under 1.99.7 (I had to disable signature=False and turn > off the Facebook stuff; no libraries) and URL(f='profile') returned > '/profile'.
Ditto for the current "nightly" build (actually June 9), with signature=False turned back on. Are you using something more current than that? I'm doubtful that the presence of the FB logic would affect things one way or the other. --