hi! i`ve seen your work and it`s great! will you let me use your code if 
ever i decide to make my display look like that?

Noong Lunes, Mayo 28 2012 02:52:42 UTC-12, si Andrew ay sumulat:
> Hi,
> Is your specific question how to visually display a decision tree in a 
> web2py application ?
> I have been playing around with D3 (Data Driven Documents)  see d3js.org, 
>  which I think is the best thing since sliced bread !
> Have a look at this example for some ideas / possibilities.   
> http://bl.ocks.org/999346, or this one http://bl.ocks.org/1249394
> I have built a few simple proof of concept apps with web2py by building 
> controllers that return json files for the thing you are visualising.  
> However, in the words of Ward Cunningham talking about D3 "There is a 
> learning curve there", but he also said looking into it's code "... The 
> most rewarding work I've done this year"
> You could also use Graphviz, which I've also used with web2py, but I'm now 
> trying to get my graphviz diagrams (static diagrams) to come out more 
> dynamically with d3.
> Have a look and let me know what you think.
> Andrew W
> On Monday, May 28, 2012 3:00:34 PM UTC+12, Anj wrote:
>> hi! I have python codes for building an id3 decision tree and they`re 
>> already running. However, the output decision tree is just text-based. So, 
>> I decided to use web2py to give it a more pleasant look. Now, my problem is 
>> how do i integrate these codes in web2py. I mean, where will I insert these 
>> codes especially the computations of entropy and information gain after I 
>> upload my dataset? How will I make an OOP into an MVC? 
>> By the way, I have already created the GUI for this application but still 
>> lack a UI for displaying the output decision tree.
>> Here`s the scenario:
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-FfLOuWzGqFI/T8Lprknyu9I/AAAAAAAAAaI/RDkVYOosaT8/s1600/id31.JPG>
>> that`s the Home Page. When I click the ID3 menu, it will redirect here:
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-brRNheqzg04/T8Lp8L1oi3I/AAAAAAAAAaQ/oRg3xGw73_0/s1600/id32.JPG>
>> The I will upload a file as my dataset. The dataset is to be computed and 
>> analyzed so that the program will display the output. 
>> Please help me. Thanks!

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