Hi, Is your specific question how to visually display a decision tree in a web2py application ?
I have been playing around with D3 (Data Driven Documents) see d3js.org, which I think is the best thing since sliced bread ! Have a look at this example for some ideas / possibilities. http://bl.ocks.org/999346, or this one http://bl.ocks.org/1249394 I have built a few simple proof of concept apps with web2py by building controllers that return json files for the thing you are visualising. However, in the words of Ward Cunningham talking about D3 "There is a learning curve there", but he also said looking into it's code "... The most rewarding work I've done this year" You could also use Graphviz, which I've also used with web2py, but I'm now trying to get my graphviz diagrams (static diagrams) to come out more dynamically with d3. Have a look and let me know what you think. Andrew W On Monday, May 28, 2012 3:00:34 PM UTC+12, Anj wrote: > > hi! I have python codes for building an id3 decision tree and they`re > already running. However, the output decision tree is just text-based. So, > I decided to use web2py to give it a more pleasant look. Now, my problem is > how do i integrate these codes in web2py. I mean, where will I insert these > codes especially the computations of entropy and information gain after I > upload my dataset? How will I make an OOP into an MVC? > > By the way, I have already created the GUI for this application but still > lack a UI for displaying the output decision tree. > > Here`s the scenario: > > > <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-FfLOuWzGqFI/T8Lprknyu9I/AAAAAAAAAaI/RDkVYOosaT8/s1600/id31.JPG> > > that`s the Home Page. When I click the ID3 menu, it will redirect here: > > > <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-brRNheqzg04/T8Lp8L1oi3I/AAAAAAAAAaQ/oRg3xGw73_0/s1600/id32.JPG> > > The I will upload a file as my dataset. The dataset is to be computed and > analyzed so that the program will display the output. > > Please help me. Thanks! > >