> I'm a little surprised at all the negativity toward the new Google Groups 
> -- I find it a general improvement over the old interface. Now we can do 
> rich text formatting, code highlighting, and attach files. 

My favourite way to follow the web2py newsgroups currently is by reading 
gmane via the email and news reader in iceape (aka seamonkey):
 * very nice and tidy threaded layout; 
 * immediate overview about what are the new messages in which threads; 
 * jump from new message to new message by pressing the space bar...

so easy and efficient!

The online google groups on the other hand 

 * waste heaps of screen space (even in compact mode; why can't the compact 
mode of google groups be as compact
   as - say - the compact mode of new-style gmail?), 
 * add lots of visual noise (lines and icons and pictures for every topic, 
 * and do not manage to present the information in a way that I can easily 
see everything i'm interested in without scanning multiple whole pages 
   (information like in which threads new messages are added, and what 
are the newest messages in a thread). 

Their layout may work on mobile devices, but it's hardly usable on a 21" 
desktop monitor (everything is just spaced too far apart horizontally and 

Some of the features you mention are improvements though: code samples, 
file attachments, tags.

Not *sure* *why* rich text editing seems like * a good idea to you ;) *
*(written in the new google groups interface)*

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