Makes perfect sense.

When you use matplotlib you can do:

You can store the image in temp file:

    import tempfile
    f  = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() 
    canvas = FigureCanvas(figure)
    filename =

then move it to the db in a field called for example file of type upload

    db.table.insert(file =

then read the file, delete, and return the image

    data = open(filename,'rb').read()
    return data

On Wednesday, 4 April 2012 13:50:12 UTC-5, dancer` wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm on the newer end of programming, and web2py has been my first (and 
> very happy) foray into web application development. I am developing an 
> application to remotely control two spectrum analyzers (HP 3562A) in our 
> lab to do swept sine and power spectra plots. The connection is made using 
> sockets, and the data is dumped, modified, and plotted using numpy, scipy 
> and matplotlib. The examples I have found that do this do not mention how 
> to store the resulting plots on disk but rather plot in real time when 
> required. What I would like is to have a results table with all the run 
> parameters (for both sweeps and PSD) and have a thumbnail image (I know how 
> to generate a thumbnail if I have a parent file) that links to the original 
> plotted image. Is this possible, or am I approaching this the wrong way?
> Thank you.

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