
I'm on the newer end of programming, and web2py has been my first (and very 
happy) foray into web application development. I am developing an 
application to remotely control two spectrum analyzers (HP 3562A) in our 
lab to do swept sine and power spectra plots. The connection is made using 
sockets, and the data is dumped, modified, and plotted using numpy, scipy 
and matplotlib. The examples I have found that do this do not mention how 
to store the resulting plots on disk but rather plot in real time when 
required. What I would like is to have a results table with all the run 
parameters (for both sweeps and PSD) and have a thumbnail image (I know how 
to generate a thumbnail if I have a parent file) that links to the original 
plotted image. Is this possible, or am I approaching this the wrong way?

Thank you.

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