On Mar 17, 2012, at 11:22 AM, Marcello wrote:
> I screwed with nobody.
> I just pointed a fact.
> I have many Python eBooks(ePub) and ALL of them have NO formatting or 
> indentation problem.
> Even Kindle has no indentation problem in all of my Python books.

True; I've got plenty of tech books, both ePub and mobi, that handle 
indentation just fine.

> Marcello
> On Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:04:58 PM UTC-3, AngeloC wrote:
> Kindle and other ebook readers that doesn't support pdf are useless for 
> viewing technical documents because text is reflowable, always. So blanks are 
> removed and text is full aligned.
> Please don't screw with packtpub, amazon or others, is a common problem with 
> all reflowable mobile formats.
> I have an ebook reader that supports all mobile formats (BeBook One) and pdf 
> (non digital editions) is the only readable format for tech documents. I read 
> always on my bebook one!
> Publishers never says that, because they will not sell technical ebooks 
> anymore!

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