On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 12:32:14 -0700, Marcello wrote:

> I bought mine from Amazon... don't know if I have access to that....
> But my interest in the moment is not run code. I want to read the
> book....
> And read the code without indentation is almost impossible...
> If my book is correct, it is almost useless.....

Packt Publishing has an on-going issue in this regard... I'd purchased a 
couple books from them directly - fairly readable in PDF format, but 
pretty much useless in Kindle format.  I noticed a number of folks over 
on Amazon who had purchased thru them, where you only get the .mobi 
format - and are effectively screwed - had the same problem.  Having 
purchased mine directly thru Packt, I could at least read it in PDF 

If you look at any of their books for Python related subjects in 
Kindle/.mobi format, they are all screwed up.  I hounded the CS people 
about it - took them a long dang time to even respond.  They finally 
offered two other ebooks of my choice as compensation.  One of the ones I 
chose was this web2py cookbook - even with the release date slipping a 
couple months, and knowing full well it would probably be unusable on a 

Oh, and if you look... I don't think I've ever seen any of their books 
showing *any* errata listed...

To be honest, I was rather surprised to see the Web2Py project working 
with these folks... I'd hoped maybe a change had occurred and things 
would be better, but opening the pdf and finding two typos in the first 
couple pages of the intro cured that idea.


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