The args keyword is also used to pass ALL parameters to grid urls.

Suppose you call grid/5 controller. This calls
grid(customer==request.args(0)). Now if you hit the Export button on
the grid then it calls grid/csv which fails because the query is
looking for customer=="csv". However if you do
grid(customer==request.args(0), args=request.args). Now if you hit the
Export button it calls grid/5/csv.

Grid is brilliant but IMO would be better if it remembered the
original query or allowed you to pass named parameters using
request.vars. The book says it is experimental - are there any plans
to change the interface?

On Mar 2, 12:09 pm, Wikus van de Merwe <>
> The args keywords is used to pass extra parameters to grid URLs. It is only
> useful if you implement your own ondelete, onupdate or oncreate functions
> and need to get this extra arguments from a request.

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