> grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.document.page_id==page.id, args=[page.id]) 
> It seems to pass a boolean value (db.document.page_id==page.id)

db.document.page_id==page.id is not a boolean -- it is a DAL Query object. 
db.document.page_id is a DAL Field object, which inherits from the DAL 
Expression class. The Expression class overloads a number of Python 
operators (such as ==, <, >, etc.), so when those operators are applied to 
a Field object, they result in a Query object rather than a boolean. The 
first argument of SQLFORM.grid can be either a query or a db table.

> and a 
> list (args = [page.id]) to grid. What arguments of grid do these 
> passed values correspond to? 

args is an argument of SQLFORM.grid, but I'm not quite sure what it does.


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