We need to make the book editable again so some of us can start adding this 
stuff to the documentation. :-)

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:28:09 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I am planning to release this tomorrow but you can test it today. 
> ***Please help us test it today*** It is really important. 
> There is a huge number of improvements and bug fixes. We should really 
> call this web2py 2.0 but we prefer to wait before advertising some of 
> the new features which are in but need more testing. 
> List not in order of importance: 
> - included remote debugger (thanks Mariano) 
> - gluon/contrib/htmlmin.py for html minimization (thanks kerncece) 
> - out of the box posgresql support with pg8000 diver included (thanks 
> Mariano) 
> - admin in Russian (Bulat), Japanese (Omi) and Slovenian (Robert 
> Valentak) 
> - db.table.field.like(...,case_sensitive=False) (thanks Floyd) 
> - db.table.field.regexp(...) for sqlite and postgres 
> - conditional menu items (reponse.menu=[(title,bool,link, 
> [],condition)] 
> - db(...,ignore_common_filters=True) 
> - DAL IMAP support (thanks Alan Etkin) 
> - new DAL syntax: 
> db(db.dog_id.belongs(db.dogs.owner=='james')).select() 
> - new DAL syntax: db(...).select().group_by_value(db.table.field) 
> (thanks Yair) 
> - Teradata support (experimental) 
> - populate can now deal with computed fields (thanks mweissen) 
> - def index(): return dict(a=gluon.tools.Expose(folder)) 
> - auth.is_impersonating() 
> - reponse.delimiters = ('\\[','\\]') (thanks Denes) 
> - improved markmin auto-links 
> - sync languages capability (thanks Yair) 
> - better mongodb support (still experimental) 
> - auth.user_groups stores user groups 
> - new rediscache (thanks niphold) 
> - login_methods/browserid_account.py (thanks Pai) 
> - scripts/services/service.py (thanks Ross) 
> - improved ldap support (thanks Omi) 
> - added TimeCollector (thanks Caleb) 
> - better cpdb.py (thanks pasxidis) 
> - 100's of small bug fixes and small improvements

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