I am planning to release this tomorrow but you can test it today.
***Please help us test it today*** It is really important.

There is a huge number of improvements and bug fixes. We should really
call this web2py 2.0 but we prefer to wait before advertising some of
the new features which are in but need more testing.

List not in order of importance:

- included remote debugger (thanks Mariano)
- gluon/contrib/htmlmin.py for html minimization (thanks kerncece)
- out of the box posgresql support with pg8000 diver included (thanks
- admin in Russian (Bulat), Japanese (Omi) and Slovenian (Robert
- db.table.field.like(...,case_sensitive=False) (thanks Floyd)
- db.table.field.regexp(...) for sqlite and postgres
- conditional menu items (reponse.menu=[(title,bool,link,
- db(...,ignore_common_filters=True)
- DAL IMAP support (thanks Alan Etkin)
- new DAL syntax:
- new DAL syntax: db(...).select().group_by_value(db.table.field)
(thanks Yair)
- Teradata support (experimental)
- populate can now deal with computed fields (thanks mweissen)
- def index(): return dict(a=gluon.tools.Expose(folder))
- auth.is_impersonating()
- reponse.delimiters = ('\\[','\\]') (thanks Denes)
- improved markmin auto-links
- sync languages capability (thanks Yair)
- better mongodb support (still experimental)
- auth.user_groups stores user groups
- new rediscache (thanks niphold)
- login_methods/browserid_account.py (thanks Pai)
- scripts/services/service.py (thanks Ross)
- improved ldap support (thanks Omi)
- added TimeCollector (thanks Caleb)
- better cpdb.py (thanks pasxidis)
- 100's of small bug fixes and small improvements

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