Would another option be to cache the entire select and pull out the needed 
records based on the "page" requested:

records = db(db.pages.active==True).select(cache=(cache.ram, 300))

I suppose that wouldn't be a good idea if there are likely to be enough 
records and/or enough simultaneous users with different cached queries to 
start pushing the limits on available ram, but may be workable for moderate 


On Thursday, February 9, 2012 5:17:52 AM UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
> The two methods you described are the only available methods to achieve 
> such a thing.
> If you have 100 records returned and you want to paginate by 20 (5 pages), 
> then the difference between one method or the other is negligible.
> If you have 1000 records returned and you want to paginate by 20 (50 
> pages), then the best method is fire a "count" and a separated limitby for 
> retrieving the records.
> Remember you can fire a db(query).count() and cache that: the record count 
> will be fetched one time only and from then on from the cache and the db 
> will be hitted only by the limitby query.
> e.g.
> total = db(db.pages.active==True).count(cache=(cache.ram,120))
> records = db(db.pages.active==True).select(limitby=(0,20))

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