Thanks Richard.

Not heavy use sites as they are business to business or management
tool sites.

On Feb 8, 5:31 pm, Richard Vézina <> wrote:
> If your query don't involve joins, why not making to request to database?
> If you don't have a heavy load site I don't think you will have speed issue
> by doing it that way...
> web2py make a lot of request to database if you use represent (one request
> per row) since the lambda is attached to a record...
> Richard
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Cliff <> wrote:
> > I'm building my own record counter and paginator for index functions,
> > like this:
> > 'records 1 - 20 of 315 found by query'
> > The question is what is the best way to get the total record count, in
> > this case 315.  In the case above, I use a limitby(0, 20) to get the
> > first 20 records.
> > I can think of two ways to do it, but I don't like either one.  First
> > is to formulate the query without the limitby clause and do a
> > db(query).count().  That would give me the total number of records in
> > the set.  Then add the limitby clause to the query to get the records
> > of interest.  I don't like this because it involves two hits to the
> > database.
> > The second way is to get the entire record set by running a select
> > without the limitby, then letting Python take the desired slice out of
> > the row set.  I don't like this method because it might return a lot
> > of rows.  Thus I get the db bottleneck again plus the overhead of
> > turning all of the rows into Web2py objects.
> > There must be a better solution.  Can some kind  soul tell me what it
> > might be?
> > All opinions welcome.
> > Thanks,
> > Cliff Kachinske

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