The idea of uploading image to external and free server is clever! I
love this idea!

However your demo link does not work for uploading image.

By the way, your upload feature is based on swf? So your site won't
support ipad/iphone user?

And what do you mean "works fine ... except ie"? Do you mean the
entire ie family is not supported? That is not a good news :-/

Hope to see your finished doc and demo soon.


On Dec 22, 1:53 am, Vasile Ermicioi <> wrote:
> I am developing one, I already use it on production, for a cms and for a
> forum.
> Works fine on all browsers except ie :(
> Planning for next weeks to make a page with docs and to fix ie bugs.
> A few features that I am proud of:
> - inserting html (e.g for inserting code of a embedded video from youtube)
> - automatic resize to a given width and height (via flash)  and upload to
> imgur
> You will see that it is quite advanced and its js+html+css is less than 50
> kb and that without minifying.
> ~ 120kb with icons and swf that uploads to imgur, but requires jquery. I
> use jquery stored on google cdn
> About imgur uploader:
> - it resizes and converts  to png or jpg
> - images become smaller  - e.g if you have a 1Mb image and you have set to
> be resized to 800x800 it will be ~ 100kb after uploading.
> - your image is stored to an external server for free -
> take a look and if someone is interested I can help you to include it in
> your pages
> ideas and comments are wellcom

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