Good point. Maybe submit an issue on Google Code:
On Sunday, November 27, 2011 3:58:37 PM UTC-5, villas wrote: > > Hi Anthony, > > Thanks for that, I couldn't remember about the 'extracolumns' and I don't > think they were in the book yet (unless just recently). > > With regards the virtual fields, I was still struggling with including > the virtualfields when limiting columns. > > This works fine: > >>>rows = db(>0).select() > >>>for row in rows: print row.myvirtualfield > > But this does not: > >>>rows = db(>0).select(, db.table.myvirtualfield) > keyerror: db.table.myvirtualfield > > It doesn't matter on a table with few fields, but when the rows are very > wide, it hurts. I made this point recently with regards to SQLFORM.grid, > so I guess I ought to be patient until it becomes a priority. Thanks for > you help > > Regards, David > >