On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 17:17:51 -0200
Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> VIDEO: http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/188

Watched video today...very nice presentation fo Web2py!

One question: Massimo mentioned that web2py is going to move to github soon and
I wonder whether one will be able to still use hg to fetch the code?

Moreover, what about other projects like Instant Press being hosted at

Few days ago I had to move one SilverStripe site to WP not being able to use IP
where some basic things like rendering of unordered lists is not proper (no

Otoh, I really do not want to delve into PHP web programming, and would like to
deploy Web2py for all my web needs, so having more web2py stuff under one
umbrella (even if it's called github) might be good and would (hopefully)
result in better docs as well as quicker fixes for web2py-related
projects like Instant Press...

One more concern: Massimo answered during the show that Web2py is mostly used
in Intranet. so I wonder if there is, in general, enthusiasm withing this
community to push out to build Internet sites as well and having
CMS/blog/ecommerce modules available or is web2py simply more suitable for the
former use-case?


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and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of 
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