I wrote the engine myself so it's as flexible as I need it to be ;).

Haven't gone on the XML wagon yet, was simply considering it.

I did work with JSON for the AJAX component of my web server so that
solution is looking pretty good atm. I thought it was mostly a
Javascript-Server thing and wasn't aware there were some C/C++
libraries for it though :).

On Sep 19, 1:36 pm, Phyo Arkar <phyo.arkarl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> yes, json/jsonp is much better portocol for gaming coz due to lesser
> size and its properties.
> But if he already have XML engine for his game he should go with it
> (coz all the game engine supports XML , not any with JSON support i
> know of yet.)
> On 9/20/11, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You can try JSON, Python 2.6+ has a C JSON parser in it already which web2py
> > uses for JSON communications. I haven't done any testing with it versus XML,
> > but JSON is such a simple protocol with minimal parsing requirements that
> > I'd imagine it's much faster than parsing XML.

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