2011/5/26 Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Pierre Thibault <
> pierre.thibau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is already a wiki on Google Code
> GitHub has gist to embed code snipets, the github markup is very nice. and
> it is possible to have the posts in files so pull/push.
> I never used Google Code wiki, is it good?
I never used GitHub, is it good?

Well, I like it:

- You can have your repository with svn or Mercurial. No git I think.
- You have a wiki (the wiki is repository too)
- You can manage tickets.
- You can create others repositories for a same project.
- I am able to push my epydoc html documentation as part of the wiki
- You have a download section
- It push my changes to a Google Group so everyone can follow them
- It is possible to configure the tags and fields like I have a set of
fields to support scrum to way I want for my projects

I am very satisfy but it is only for open source projects. With bitbucket
you can host for 5 persons for free even if it is commercial (I believe). I
don't know bitbucket either.

The only thing I dislike is that when I create a new project, I have to copy
manually my configuration from a previous project to stay coherent. Or is it
possible to do otherwise?

See: http://pierrethibault.posterous.com/?tag=python&page=2



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