First at some point do

gid = auth.add_group('impersonators')

then just visit


and it prompt you a form about which user you want to impersonate. 0
for reverting back to yourself.

On Apr 19, 4:20 pm, pbreit <> wrote:
> I'm looking to set up my customer support scheme and so would like to use
> Impersonate. But I'm not quite sure how to do it.
> 1. Can it be set up so that I can impersonate any auth_user?
> 2. I believe there was a change so that instead of
> /user/impersonate/[user_id], the "user_id" now needs to be POSTed to
> /user/impersonate?
> 3. Do I set up an auth_permission with name='impersonate'?
> 4. For group_id, I have a group that includes the user who I want to grant
> Impersonate privileges?
> 5. What do I put in group_id, table_name and record_id? The Book says these
> are optional but the system requires them.
> Also, I have a lingering question about why each user automatically gets a
> group? What do I lose if I turn this off?

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