I'm looking to set up my customer support scheme and so would like to use 
Impersonate. But I'm not quite sure how to do it.

1. Can it be set up so that I can impersonate any auth_user?
2. I believe there was a change so that instead of 
/user/impersonate/[user_id], the "user_id" now needs to be POSTed to 
3. Do I set up an auth_permission with name='impersonate'?
4. For group_id, I have a group that includes the user who I want to grant 
Impersonate privileges?
5. What do I put in group_id, table_name and record_id? The Book says these 
are optional but the system requires them.

Also, I have a lingering question about why each user automatically gets a 
group? What do I lose if I turn this off?

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