you can create a new request class extending from the original one and
via using config.set_request_factory(YourReqClass)and make dal an
attribute of it. whenever the request ends, you can close the

On Apr 5, 7:29 pm, Gleb <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm building an app on Pyramid framework and would like to use the
> web2py-DAL with it. Pyramid makes every request in a single thread, so
> how should I manage the DAL object?
> Should it be created once and then passed to every thread? If I do so
> and some frequent queries are passed to the DAL (simple reads by
> SELECT), I  get errors like "invalid cursor state", "cannot close a
> closed cursor" and so on. That is because a single cursor is accessed
> form different threads, so one thread closes the cursor while the
> other assumes it to be open.
> Should the DAL object be created on each request(like root =
> DAL("sqlite://blah"))? If I do so, the cursor state errors go, but a
> memory problem appears. Each request allocates memory for a new DAL
> object and that memory is never released. After some dozens requests
> I've got some hundredths MB of wasted memory.
> How is the thread per request - DAL access managed by the web2py?
> Thanks!

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