Well I browse the code of fpdf.py and pil is only using to check is the file is and image format, I think is easy to do to support gae, changing in gae to api or make the check like IS_IMAGE from web2py.
Anyways there are other tools you can use to write pdf reports like PISA, Reportlab. 2011/4/5 Arbie Samong <phek...@gmail.com> > @martin - that helped me passed the try-except block at the beginning, > but when the Image module is used on the other parts of the code it > went haywire. I'll look into it probably more changes to make it adapt > with GAE. > > @howesc - I was able to make it work without using the file system > read and write, but this is like heaven sent :) > > On Apr 5, 3:11 am, howesc <how...@umich.edu> wrote: > > hopefully not a red herring, but google gave us gifts last week, one of > them > > was file "reading" and "writing" from the blobstore: > http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/03/announcing-app-engine-143... > > > > i have not looked at how to connect things to it, but might help here. > > > > cfh > -- My blog: http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar Expert4Solution: http://www.experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/6 http://www.cvstash.com/profile/Xzi5bWCdD