@martin - that helped me passed the try-except block at the beginning,
but when the Image module is used on the other parts of the code it
went haywire. I'll look into it probably more changes to make it adapt
with GAE.

@howesc - I was able to make it work without using the file system
read and write, but this is like heaven sent :)

On Apr 5, 3:11 am, howesc <how...@umich.edu> wrote:
> hopefully not a red herring, but google gave us gifts last week, one of them
> was file "reading" and "writing" from the 
> blobstore:http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/03/announcing-app-engine-143...
> i have not looked at how to connect things to it, but might help here.
> cfh

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