The speedup mentioned applies to do-nothing apps. In particular to apps that do not use database.
The welcome app does lots of stuff even if you do not use. To start with it opens the sqlite database. Although queries are fast it takes just 30ms to open the db and lock it in my tests. Anyway, you have lots of view logic, can you try bytecode compile your app and tell me what you get? bytecode compilation speeds up views. On Mar 15, 8:21 am, Ross Peoples <> wrote: > No form, I have customized the layout.html file, but nothing that uses > session or forms. > > Here is the controller: > def index(): > """ > example action using the internationalization operator T and flash > rendered by views/default/index.html or views/generic.html > """ > response.flash = T('You are successfully running web2py.') > return dict(message=T('Hello World')) > > And here is the view: > {{left_sidebar_enabled=right_sidebar_enabled=False}} > {{extend 'layout.html'}} > > {{if 'message' in globals():}} > > <h1>{{=message}}</h1> > > <hr /> > <h2>Readme</h2> > <ul> > <li>{{=T('You are successfully running web2py')}}</li> > <li>{{=T('This is a copy of the scaffolding application')}}</li> > <li>{{=T('You can modify this application and adapt it to your > needs')}}</li> > <li>{{=A(B(T("click here for the administrative interface")), > _href=URL('admin','default','index'))}}</li> > <li>{{=A(T("click here for online examples"), > _href=URL('examples','default','index'))}}</li> > <li><a href=""></a></li> > <li><a href="">{{=T('documentation')}}</a></li> > </ul> > > <ol> > <li>{{=T('You visited the url')}} > {{=A(request.env.path_info,_href=request.env.path_info)}}</li> > <li>{{=T('Which called the function')}} > {{=A(request.function+'()',_href='#')}} {{=T('located in the file')}} > > {{=A('web2py/applications/%(application)s/controllers/%(controller)'%re > quest,_href=URL('admin','default','peek',args=(request.application,'control > lers',request.controller+'.py')))}}</li> > <li>{{=T('The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the > view')}} > > {{=A('web2py/applications/%(application)s/views/%(controller)s/index.html'% > request,_href=URL('admin','default','peek',args=(request.application,'views > ',request.controller,'index.html')))}}</li> > </ol> > > {{else:}} > {{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}} > {{pass}} > > {{block left_sidebar}}New Left Sidebar Content{{end}} > {{block right_sidebar}}New Right Sidebar Content{{end}} > > I even tried using the stock welcome application with ab: > > ab -n 1000http:// > > And the average time per request was 73 ms.