I think when I speak of scalability we shouldn't make the assumption
that "requests [are coming from] only a few users".   That said, it's
great to know session handling is being optimized.  I think smart
session handling and smart cache handling will greatly improve

On Mar 14, 11:19 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> This also explains why the problem occurred with Apache ab but not for
> (usually) people using web2py in production. In production you do not
> have thousand of session files because many of the requests from from
> the same few users.
> There are exceptions. Apps that have many semi-static pages or are
> probed by ab or are subject to DoD attacks. those apps may have
> suffered from the problem that is now fixed.
> Massimo
> On Mar 14, 11:12 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I think also address the scalability problem that has occasionally
> > been reported using ab tests.
> > Apache ab sends many uncorrelated requests and each of them results
> > (resulted) in a new session file saved. Eventually the more tests you
> > run the more files you have. The more files in the same folder you
> > have, the slower the file system becomes, the longer it takes web2py
> > to save a session, the longer the thread runs, the less requests/
> > second you can process, the sooner you reach the max number of threads
> > and requests will be dropped.
> > The latest fix should address the issue since only REAL sessions will
> > not result in file system access.
> > It should also considerably speed up GAE since less datastore write
> > access.
> > There may be room for further improvement but I believe this is a big
> > improvement already.
> > Please report any data you may have.
> > Massimo
> > On Mar 14, 10:40 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > At PyCon some people have suggested that they would like the ability
> > > to switch off some web2py functionality to make it faster. I never
> > > thought of this being an issue because I do not think web2py does much
> > > outside models/views and controllers.
> > > I run a lot of tests today using a barebone
> > >     def index(): return 'hello world'
> > > controller (no view, no model) and I discovered, to my surprise that
> > > even in this simple case, web2py spends huge amount of time saving
> > > sessions even if not used (~40ms/request on my laptop). This is also a
> > > problem because if you have many passive visitors web2py creates a lot
> > > of empty session files that fills the sessions folder and slow down
> > > the file system even more.
> > > I made some changes so that sessions are no longer saved if not
> > > modified or empty. For my simple code, the running time went down to
> > > 4ms/request. That is 10x than before. That is only 5x the bare Rocket
> > > or Tornado speed (considering it is still checking for session, doing
> > > routing, parsing input and performing a lot of checks, and a lot of
> > > other stuff).
> > > I do not think it should break anything and you should feel it
> > > snappier immediately. Give it a try and let me know.
> > > Try run ab -n 1000 with both web2py 1.93.1 and trunk for your app. Let
> > > me know what you get.
> > > Enjoy!
> > > Massimo

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