Head JS script loader With Head JS your scripts load like images - completely separated from the page rendering process. The page is ready sooner. Always. This is guaranteed even with a single combined JavaScript file. See it yourself:
Sample page with 5 SCRIPT SRC tags <http://headjs.com/test/script.html> Same scripts loaded with Head JS <http://headjs.com/test/headjs.html> Non-blocking loading is the key to fast pages. Moreover Head JS loads scripts in *parallel* no matter how many of them and what the browser is. The speed difference can be dramatic especially on the initial page load when the scripts are not yet in cache. It's your crucial first impression. Pages no longer "hang" and there is less or zero "flashing" between pages. User only cares when the page is ready. Unfortunately current networking tools don't highlight this crucial point. They focus on the overall loading of assets instead. Head JS can make your pages load 100% or even 400% faster. It can make the largest impact on client side optimization. http://headjs.com/ -- Bruno Rocha [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]