I'm thinking... this can be go very well with web2py.

For example this come to my mind...

in web2py

render as
head.js("/path/to/jquery.js", "/path/to/calendar.js");

in web2py
response.scripts.insert(3,'''function() {
var tracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-20001309-1");

render as
head.js('http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js', function() {
var tracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-20001309-1");

+ More modular.
+ Insert scripts from models and controllers. (very good for plugins)

2011/3/10 contatogilson...@gmail.com <contatogilson...@gmail.com>

> That's what I was looking for!
> _____________________________________________
> *Gilson Filho*
> *Web Developer
> http://gilsondev.com*
> 2011/3/10 Martín Mulone <mulone.mar...@gmail.com>
> Very interesting
>> 2011/3/10 Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com>
>> Thanks to share Bruno
>>> Richard
>>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>  Head JS script loader
>>>> With Head JS your scripts load like images - completely separated from
>>>> the page rendering process. The page is ready sooner. Always. This is
>>>> guaranteed even with a single combined JavaScript file. See it yourself:
>>>> Sample page with 5 SCRIPT SRC tags <http://headjs.com/test/script.html>
>>>> Same scripts loaded with Head JS <http://headjs.com/test/headjs.html>
>>>> Non-blocking loading is the key to fast pages. Moreover Head JS loads
>>>> scripts in *parallel* no matter how many of them and what the browser
>>>> is. The speed difference can be dramatic especially on the initial page 
>>>> load
>>>> when the scripts are not yet in cache. It's your crucial first impression.
>>>> Pages no longer "hang" and there is less or zero "flashing" between
>>>> pages. User only cares when the page is ready. Unfortunately current
>>>> networking tools don't highlight this crucial point. They focus on the
>>>> overall loading of assets instead.
>>>> Head JS can make your pages load 100% or even 400% faster. It can make
>>>> the largest impact on client side optimization.
>>>> http://headjs.com/
>>>> --
>>>> Bruno Rocha
>>>> [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]
>> --
>> Pablo Martín Mulone (mar...@tecnodoc.com.ar)
>> http://www.tecnodoc.com.ar/
>> My blog: http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar
>> Expert4Solution Profile:
>> http://www.experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/6

Pablo Martín Mulone (mar...@tecnodoc.com.ar)

My blog: http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar
Expert4Solution Profile:

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