One more question:
The validator IS_STRONG has the following error messages:

"Minimum length is %s"
"Maximum length is %s"
"Must include at least %s of the following : %s"
"May not contain any of the following: %s"
"Must include at least %s upper case"
"May not include any upper case letters"
"Must include at least %s lower case"
"May not include any lower case letters"
"Must include at least %s %s"
"May not include any numbers"

I think there is no way to translate these messages.

2011/3/6 Martin Weissenboeck <>

> Ok, compatibility is a reason I understand.
> You are right: if I make a decision, which error message would be
> appropriate for each single field it works fine.
> If there is a lot of fields with IS_INT_IN_RANGE requirements like T('enter
> an integer between %(min)g and %(max)g') I will use an additional variable,
> e.g.:
> mm=T('enter an integer between %(min)g and %(max)g')
> 2011/3/5 Jonathan Lundell <>
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 4:01 AM, Martin Weissenboeck wrote:
>> This solution is not very beautiful, because I have to repeat the string 
>> 'fill
>> this', but it works.
>> *It does not work for classes like IS_INT_IN_RANGE,* because there is a
>> lot of error messages, depending on the values:
>>         if minimum is None:
>>             if maximum is None:
>>                 self.error_message = error_message or 'enter an integer'
>>             else:
>>                 self.maximum = int(maximum)
>>                 if error_message is None:
>>                     error_message = 'enter an integer less than or equal
>> to %(max)g'
>>                 self.error_message = error_message %
>> dict(max=self.maximum-1)
>>         elif maximum is None:
>>             self.minimum = int(minimum)
>>             if error_message is None:
>>                 error_message = 'enter an integer greater than or equal
>> to %(min)g'
>>             self.error_message = error_message % dict(min=self.minimum)
>>         else:
>>             self.minimum = int(minimum)
>>             self.maximum = int(maximum)
>>             if error_message is None:
>>                 error_message = 'enter an integer between %(min)g and
>> %(max)g'
>>             self.error_message = error_message % dict(min=self.minimum,
>> max=self.maximum-1)
>> Using the T-"operator" there is no way to translate these error message
>> for example to German.
>> And I think it looks very unprofessional to have mixes English and German
>> messages.
>> 1.93 was intended as a stable release without big changes, so that it can
>> serve as the ongoing release for legacy support of Python 2.4. We'll have
>> general support for translation in gluon fairly soon.
>> In the meantime, using T in the constructor for IS_INT_IN_RANGE should
>> work just fine. Is there some specific case that isn't working for you?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards
Martin Weissenböck
Gregor-Mendel-Str. 37, 1190 Wien
Austria / European Union
Tel  +43 1 31400 00
Fax  +43 1 31400 700

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