On Feb 15, 2011, at 2:05 PM, James Hancock wrote:
> I am starting a web app for my company soon, and I thought I would ask here 
> if you have any suggestions on whether to use the GAE or EC2 to as a server 
> platform.
> Any thoughts on the pros and cons?
> I thought it would be appropriate to ask because of the new things scheduled 
> to come out for the GAE.

GAE is still nominally a preview release (not sure if that's pre-beta or 
post-beta in Googlish). 

The compelling advantage of GAE for me is not having to administer a server; 
that counts for a lot in my book. Python 2.5 is tolerable, but both Python 2.7 
and SQL are coming. 

I'd say: if your app fits GAE reasonably well, give it a shot. Especially with 
web2py, you won't lose much if you have to move elsewhere down the road.

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