On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:30 AM, villas wrote:
> Stripping out trailing slashes seems like it delivers cleaner, shorter
> args.  If no one has asked for trailing slashes,  why introduce a
> feature which has to be protected forever as backward-compatible?
> After all, if these extra args exist,  we're going to have to iterate
> through them seeing what they are before deciding whether they can be
> safely discarded. This leads to more lines of code;  bad!
> On the other hand, if someone in the future comes up with a real use
> for these 'spurious' args, they can easily be introduced then.
> My vote therefore goes for #3 - in my view a vote for shorter, cleaner
> args and less code!

That was my thinking when I implemented it that way. 

The downside is that we lose the capability to have trailing args that are 
empty strings. So if you're generating a URL with request.args = ['arg1', ''], 
it'll be treated as though the '' arg wasn't there.

Obviously that's not critical, since we can't (in general) use '' args at all 
right now.

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