
OK, specifying the controller as follows: -

crud.settings.controller = 'crm'

...as suggested by web2py.n00b resolves the controller name issue, and
I feel suitably foolish for having overlooked it.

However, the omission of the "data" function name still happens when I
drill down to a record: -

- at [app]/crm/data/tables I see my list of tables, and can drill down
to one, e.g. "client".

- at [app]/crm/data/select/client I see my list of clients, but in the
link behind the ID it omits the function name "data", and so takes me
to [app]/crm/read/client/1 which throws rightly throws "invalid
function (crm/read)", instead of the correct URL of "[app]/crm/data/

What am I missing?



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