This is great. Personally, I find this kind of thing very helpful.
I like the idea of having this stuff in one central location, though it 
would also be helpful if the online book chapters (or even sections within 
chapters) could link to the relevant parts.

On Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:15:18 PM UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote:

> I've been working a little on a proposal for some new cookbook sections, 
> one per chapter, that provide a roadmap to the web2py source that's relevant 
> to the chapter. 
> My motivation, mentioned below in the Introduction section, is that the 
> full-stack nature of web2py is one of its important features, and can be 
> used to advantage by developers. But the source is intimidating for 
> newcomers, and even for experienced web2py developer's, it's not alway 
> obvious where one should be looking.
> US cookbooks often have a chapter or two that talk about ingredients and 
> techniques rather than recipes per se; the standard cookbook *Joy of 
> Cooking* calls this chapter "Know Your Ingredients", and I've borrowed the 
> name. My tentative decision is to distribute this material across the 
> existing chapters, as the last section in each chapter. However, and 
> argument could be made for making it a separate chapter. I'm ambivalent on 
> the question.
> If you guys are agreeable, I'll proceed with the idea. Below are an 
> introduction and the Use the Source section for Chapter 1.
> *Introduction*
> One of the less visible features of web2py is that it’s a fully integrated 
> framework with a compact and readable source that’s part of your 
> installation. When you have a question that isn’t answered in the web2py 
> book, and isn’t directly addressed by one of these recipes, the answer can 
> generally be found in the source.
> Each chapter in this book concludes with a *Know Your Ingredients*section, 
> that serves as a guide to the portions of the source that make up 
> the subject matter of the chapter. These sections are not detailed 
> descriptions of the source, but are rather high-level roadmaps to assist 
> your own navigation.
> *Installation and Deployment*
> Every incoming request to web2py is sent from the web server to 
> gluon.main.wsgibase, which, as the name suggests, supports the WSGI 
> application API. The means by which the request gets from the server to 
> wsgibase is a function of the kind of deployment being used. Different paths 
> require different startup or handler files by which web2py is run.
> We can divide the deployment methods into three categories:
>    1. CGI deployment requires web2py to be run as a new process for each 
>    request. The CGI handler is cgihandler, which uses the wsgiref module’s 
>    CGIHandler to pass the request to wsgibase. This is a pattern that you’ll 
>    see repeated in many of the handlers: an API such as CGI is translated to 
> a 
>    WSGI call and sent to wsgibase. The Google App Engine is CGI-like, in that 
>    web2py runs once for each request. GAE is configured via app.yaml to run 
>    gaehandler, which in turn uses standard Google libraries to configure the 
>    environment before invoking, or else running wsgiref 
> directly 
>    if logging is enabled. Notice the configuration parameters near the 
>    beginning of gaehandler, and the environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE a 
>    little farther on. 
>    2. web2py includes Rocket, a built-in pure-Python WSGI-compatible 
>    server that can directly handle web server duties, or act as the back-end 
>    server for a proxy such as Apache’s mod_proxy. When using Rocket, web2py 
> is 
>    started with the script, which simply calls gluon.widget.start 
> to 
>    handle command-line options and optionally present the operator with a 
>    minimal Tk GUI. Once running, Rocket receives HTTP requests and passes 
> them 
>    to Rocket. See gluon.main.HttpServer for the invocation of Rocket. 
>    3. Finally, web2py can run continuously and field requests from an 
>    external web server though the WSGI API (wsgihandler), the FastCGI API 
>    (fcgihandler) or mod_python (modpythonhandler). The WSGI handler is the 
>    simplest, because web2py is a native WSGI application. modpythonhandler 
>    wraps a mod_python interface around the call to wsgibase with help from 
>    mod_python.apache, while fcgihandler uses gluon.contrib.gateways.fcgi, a 
>    contributed module, to convert from FastCGI to WSGI, eventually calling 
>    wsgibase.
> But wait, there’s one more. A recent addition to web2py, the anyserver 
> script, inspired by Bottle’s similar functionality, supports a long list of 
> web servers—just about any server that supports the WSGI API. The list is 
> too long to repeat here, but if you have a favorite server you’d prefer to 
> use, be sure to browse anyserver to see if it’s on the list.
> *Installation & Startup Scripts*
> A few installation scripts can be found in the the scripts directory; look 
> for scripts named setup-*, such as
> Likewise, a few startup scripts designed for integration into a hosts 
> boot-time initialization method are found in the scripts directory: 
>,, and
> *Dispatching a Request*
> The web2py request dispatcher, gluon.main.wsgibase, is where each incoming 
> HTTP request ends up once it makes its way through whichever handler is 
> being used. Here’s we’ll briefly describe the top-level flow of a request.
> *main.wsgibase* 
>    - Initialize request-scope globals (request, response, etc) 
>    - Rewrite URL (gluon.rewrite) 
>    - Stream static files via streamer.stream_file_or_304_or_206. Notice 
>    that the ultimate handler of a request ends up raising an HTTP exception, 
>    which is handled farther down in main.wsgibase. 
>    - Perform per-request housekeeping: parsing the query string, handling 
>    cookies, initializing the session and the response headers. 
>    - *main.serve_controller*: dispatch the request to the application 
>       - compileapp.build_environment: build the environment in which the 
>       models, controller and view will run. (This is where the request-scope 
>       globals such as URL, T, request, response are supplied.) 
>       - Set the default view, based on the request’s controller, function, 
>       extension. 
>       - Run the application’s models: compileapp.run_models_in 
>       - Run the selected controller: compileapp.run_controller_in 
>       - If the controller returns a dict, run the selected controller: 
>       compileapp.run_view_in. Notice that both the controller and view see 
> the 
>       environment as modified by the models, but the controller does not 
> affect 
>       the view’s environment. 
>       - Raise an HTTP exception (typically 200 OK) to return control to 
>       main.wsgibase.
>    - except HTTP: send response to the server 
>       - Static files are served directly. 
>       - Commit database. You’ll notice later that if the request ended in 
>       an error, the database is rolled back. 
>       - Save the session on disk. 
>       - Create cookie headers 
>       - finally: run cron if softcron, and respond via 
>          - Finish creating the response headers. 
>          - Send status and headers back via WSGI responder callback. 
>          - Return body of response to WSGI caller. 
>          - 

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