Who is http://www.reddit.com/user/av201001 I want to marry her...

Hold on.. is he a dude? argh .. nevermind ;)

On Jan 7, 7:20 am, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, January 7, 2011 2:58:14 AM UTC-5, cjrh wrote:
> > On Jan 7, 12:06 am, Anthony <abas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > In case anyone is interested...
> > >http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/ex54j/seeking_clarification_o...
> > Massimo should just stop caring.   The reddit people have already
> > heard the sales pitch, and further energy spent on trying to convince
> > them is wasted.
> You're right, it's not worth spending energy to try to convince these
> particular individuals -- they've all got vested interests (personal or
> professional) in alternatives. However, lots of disinterested folks are also
> reading those reddit threads, so sometimes it's worth correcting the record
> just so web2py is not publicly defined solely by its detractors. I was
> reading these kinds of discussions a few months back when I was researching
> web frameworks, and if it hadn't been for Massimo correcting some false
> claims of others, I might have been scared off of web2py.
> Anthony

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