On Friday, January 7, 2011 2:58:14 AM UTC-5, cjrh wrote: 
> On Jan 7, 12:06 am, Anthony <abas...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > In case anyone is interested... 
> > 
> > http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/ex54j/seeking_clarification_o... 
> Massimo should just stop caring.   The reddit people have already 
> heard the sales pitch, and further energy spent on trying to convince 
> them is wasted.

You're right, it's not worth spending energy to try to convince these 
particular individuals -- they've all got vested interests (personal or 
professional) in alternatives. However, lots of disinterested folks are also 
reading those reddit threads, so sometimes it's worth correcting the record 
just so web2py is not publicly defined solely by its detractors. I was 
reading these kinds of discussions a few months back when I was researching 
web frameworks, and if it hadn't been for Massimo correcting some false 
claims of others, I might have been scared off of web2py.

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