Reading the reddit discusion, specifically the post of jacobian (one of the Django creators) that says:
"I know that in your mind skipping imports is about "not repeating yourself". But look guys: every single other Python program ever written uses imports. By not including them you've basically made sure that learning web2py is different from learning Python." I would say this is incorrect, at least there are other kind of python programs that doesn't use imports, see PL/Python, the PostgreSQL Python procedural language: * Executes codes (uses PyEval_EvalCode, ops, doesn't import it...) * Doesn't need to import obvious modules (like plpy, the PostgreSQL/Python interface) * Uses global variables to handle persistent data storage (GD, SD, TD: global, sessiĆ³n and trigger dictionaries) and pass function parameters! (like web2py controllers...) Here is a minimal example: CREATE FUNCTION say_hi (your_name TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ plpy.notice("hello %s" % your_name) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; SELECT say_hi('mariano'); See the PostgreSQL documentation for detailed explanation of this "issues": For Technical details refer to source code: With this I only want to help to demystify this negative appreciation about web2py, surely there are many more examples like this as Python is a dynamic language specially designed to execute and evaluate code (i.e., OpenOffice/GIMP/etc. uses similar approach) Anyone have more examples? What do you think? BTW, about the Python Zen rule "Explicit is better than implicit", there is also "Although practicality beats purity.", and Python is a practical language, or do we import len, list, dict... >>> len(dir(__builtins__)) 135 Best regards, Mariano Reingart