I love the fact that if I have a problem with web2py and asked a
question, Massimo will likely answer it.  But the perceptual problem
of web2py is a single-person effort is real.  Massimo fixes most of
the bugs (it seems so).  Massimo is mainly responsible for PR.
Massimo is in charge of experts4solution (it appears so).  Massimo is
mainly in charge of documentation (the book) (it appears so).

Note that these are not necessary bad things.  But the concern is
real. Now, you can say this issue should not be a concern (i.e. we are
okay with the current setup).  Then that's a different perspective, a
different story.

Rapid improvement is great.  But the issue is not related to rapid

Note that I'm playing the role of a devil advocate.  I'm not
criticizing.  The current set up is perfect for me.

> I think we're OK for now. While there is a small perceptual problem of
> web2py being a single person's effort, I think at this stage it is
> beneficial for Massimo to continue with his rapid and prudent improvements.
> The best thing now is for more people to become web2py experts. There's a
> lot of knowledge to be gained and distributed without needing commit status.

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